The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new European Union law that goes into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR allows individuals in the EU to have even more control over their data and privacy, listing out a series of requirements for businesses to protect PII (Personally Identifiable Information). This is a unifying standard that will impact the way that businesses store, manage, collect, and protect user data. UPICRM is fully compliant with the GDPR by the enforceable date.
How does the GDPR Affect UPICRM users?
UpiCRM collects personal information from site visitors by collecting the data submitted on the site’s forms. The data is stored and managed on the WordPress server – hence defining site owner as a Data Controller.
What UPICRM users need to do ?
You must follow the GDPR compliance guidelines and perform the above actions.